5 Dashboard Technical Background
5.1 About MANTIS
Mantis is a react admin template having aesthetics derived from ant design and components used from MUI. Mantis is a developer-friendly & highly customizable React Admin Template based on MUI. Mantis has plenty of ready-to-use M-UI components that will help you build your site faster and save your development time. We’ve followed the best industry standards to make our product easy, fast & highly scalable to work with. It’s made with this high-end technology stack - React Hooks, Components, Create React App & Redux.
5.2 Technology Stack
- Material UI v5 components library
- Authentication Methods - Auth0, Firebase, JWT, AWS
- Redux toolkit
- React Hooks API
- Redux & React Context API for State Management
- React Router
- Axios
- Create React App
- Code Splitting
- CSS-in-JS
- Multi-Language
5.3 Torchlight Next JS Backend API
This document describes the models and API specification for the Torchlite NextJS backend, which supports the needs of the NextJS front-end interface. The Torchlite application is composed of the following components:
- the NextJS-based front-end interface (what the user sees in their browser)
- the NextJS backend API (the server-side piece of the NextJS application)
- the Torchlite API (implements the Torchlite business logic for dashboards, filters, and data management)
- the Extracted Features API (used for accessing Extracted Features data for volumes and worksets)
- the Registry API (used for retrieving public and user-private worksets managed through Analytics Gateway)
From the point of view of the Torchlite NextJS-based front-end interface, only the API exposed by the NextJS backend is relevant; there should be no direct communication between the front end and any of the other components outlined above.
The following sections will focus on the relationship between the front-end and NextJS backend, providing details about how they should function together.