.. HTRC Workset Toolkit documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jun 18 16:15:31 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to the HTRC Workset Toolkit's documentation! ======================================================= The HTRC Workset Toolkit provides a command line interface for interacting with and analyzing volumes in the HathiTrust Digital Library: - Volume Download (``htrc download``) - Metadata Download (``htrc metadata``) - Pre-built Analysis Workflows (``htrc run``) - Export of volume lists (``htrc export``) Each tool operates on a *workset*, which is a collection of volumes, pages, or catalog records. A workset is referenced by a :ref:`workset path`, which is one of 7 types of identifiers. Almost any web page on http://hathitrust.org is a valid identifier, including the PageTurner view, Catalog record view, and Collection Builder collections. The tools also assist with the HTRC Data Capsule, enabling you to download volumes to the secure mode of the capsule for analysis. More details on each command can be found on the :ref:`HTRC Workset Toolkit` page. For developers, the Workset Toolkit provides ways to test algorithms that will be run in the secure mode of the Data Capsule. It also provides methods for accessing the bibliographic records for HathiTrust volumes and ways to resolve catalog records for multivolume collections. It has the following components: - An access layer for the Bibliographic API (``htrc.metadata``) - An access layer for the Data API (``htrc.volumes``) - Pre-built analysis workflows (``htrc.tools``) - Provenance tracking for verification of non-consumptive exports (``htrc.prov``) - Mock testing interface for user-machine or maintenance-mode testing of secure-mode commands (``htrc.mock``) - Utilities for record and volume resolution (``htrc.util``) More details on each module can be found on the :ref:`HTRC Workset Toolkit Development Library` page. All source code for the HTRC Workset Toolkit is available on `GitHub`_ under an `Apache 2.0 License`_. .. _GitHub: https://github.com/htrc/HTRC-PythonSDK/ .. _Apache 2.0 License: https://github.com/htrc/HTRC-PythonSDK/blob/master/LICENSE.md Data Capsule usage ---------------------------- The HTRC Data Capsule allows for analysis of HathiTrust volumes. It is the only way to perform analysis on the raw OCR text of in-copyright works. New users can register and configure a data capsule by following the `HTRC Data Capsule Tutorial`_. The HTRC Workset Toolkit will be pre-installed on Data Capsule images in the near future. Current data capsules will need to follow the ref:`installation instructions`. .. _HTRC Data Capsule Tutorial: https://wiki.htrc.illinois.edu/display/COM/HTRC+Data+Capsule+Tutorial Installation instructions --------------------------- 1. Download and install `Anaconda Python`_. The HTRC Workset Toolkit is compatible with both Python 2.7 and 3.6, but we recommend using the 3.6 version for future compatibility. 2. After installing Anaconda, open a new terminal and type ``pip install htrc`` to install the SDK. .. _Anaconda Python: https://www.continuum.io/downloads Table of Contents ================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 cli sdk tips Indices and tables ==================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`