Source code for htrc.mock.volumes

#!/usr/bin/env python

Contains functions to test the volume retrieval from the HTRC Data API.
The download functions will return a sample zip file.

See the core documentation for an example of how to use this library.
from __future__ import print_function
from future import standard_library

from builtins import input

from configparser import RawConfigParser as ConfigParser
from io import BytesIO
import os, os.path
from zipfile import ZipFile  # used to decompress requested zip archives.

from htrc.lib.cli import bool_prompt
from htrc.auth import credential_prompt
from htrc.config import save_jwt_token

EXAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')

[docs]def get_volumes(token, volume_ids, concat=False): """ Returns volumes from the Data API as a raw zip stream. Parameters: :token: An OAuth2 token for the app. :volume_ids: A list of volume_ids :concat: If True, return a single file per volume. If False, return a single file per page (default). """ if not volume_ids: raise ValueError("volume_ids is empty.") with open(EXAMPLE_FILE, 'rb') as infile: data = return data
[docs]def get_pages(token, page_ids, concat=False): """ Returns a ZIP file containing specfic pages. Parameters: :token: An OAuth2 token for the app. :volume_ids: A list of volume_ids :concat: If True, return a single file per volume. If False, return a single file per page (default). """ if not page_ids: raise ValueError("page_ids is empty.") with open(EXAMPLE_FILE, 'rb') as infile: data = return data
[docs]def get_oauth2_token(username, password): """ Returns a sample token for oauth2 """ return 'a1b2c3d4e5f6'
[docs]def credentials_from_config(path): """ Retrieves the username and password from a config file for the Data API. DOES NOT raise an EnvironmentError if path is invalid. See also: credential_prompt """ username = None password = None return (username, password)
def download_volumes(volume_ids, output_dir, username=None, password=None): # create output_dir folder, if nonexistant if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Retrieve token and download volumes token = get_oauth2_token(username, password) data = get_volumes(token, volume_ids, False) with open(EXAMPLE_FILE, 'rb') as infile: myzip = ZipFile(infile) myzip.extractall(output_dir) myzip.close() def download(args): # extract files with open(args.file) as IDfile: volumeIDs = [line.strip() for line in IDfile] return download_volumes(volumeIDs, args.output, args.username, args.password)