Source code for htrc.metadata

from __future__ import print_function
from future import standard_library
from builtins import str

import codecs
import json
import logging
import os, os.path
import re
from time import sleep
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urlencode

import requests

from htrc.util import split_items

[docs]def get_volume_metadata(id, marc=False): """ Retrieve item metadata `from the HathiTrust Bibliographic API`_. Params: :param id: HTID for the volume to be retrieved :param marc: Retrieve MARC-XML within JSON return value. .. _from the HathiTrust Bibliographic API: """ biblio_api = "" if marc: biblio_api += '/full' else: biblio_api += '/brief' url = biblio_api + '/htid/{}.json'.format(id) try: reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') data = json.load(reader(urlopen(url))) if len(data['records']) == 1: for item in data['items']: if item['htid'] == id: md = data['records'][item['fromRecord']] md.update(item) return md else: raise ValueError except (ValueError, IndexError, HTTPError): raise ValueError("No result found for " + id)
[docs]def safe_volume_metadata(id, marc=False, sleep_time=1): """ Retrieve item metadata `from the HathiTrust Bibliographic API`_. Unlike :method volume_metadata:, this function returns an empty dictionary, rather than an error when metadata is missing. Params: :param id: HTID for the volume to be retrieved :param marc: Retrieve MARC-XML within JSON return value. _ """ try: metadata = get_volume_metadata(id, marc) if sleep_time: sleep(sleep_time) return metadata except ValueError as err: logging.error(err) return dict()
[docs]def get_bulk_metadata(ids, marc=False): """ Retrieve item metadata `from the HathiTrust Bibliographic API`_. Params: :param ids: HTIDs for the volumes to be retrieved :param marc: Retrieve MARC-XML within JSON return value. .. _from the HathiTrust Bibliographic API: """ biblio_api = "" if marc: biblio_api += '/full' else: biblio_api += '/brief' query = '|'.join(['htid:' + id for id in ids]) url = biblio_api + '/json/' + query metadata = dict() try: reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') raw = json.load(reader(urlopen(url))) for id, data in raw.items(): id = id.replace('htid:','') if len(data['records']) == 1: for item in data['items']: if item['htid'] == id: item_md = data['records'][item['fromRecord']] item_md.update(item) metadata[id] = item_md else: metadata[id] = dict() except HTTPError: raise RuntimeError("Could not access HT Bibliography API.") return metadata
[docs]def safe_bulk_metadata(ids, marc=False, sleep_time=1): """ Retrieve bulk item metadata `from the HathiTrust Bibliographic API`_. Unlike :method get_bulk_metadata:, this function returns an empty dictionary, rather than an error when metadata is missing. Params: :param ids: HTIDs for the volumes to be retrieved :param marc: Retrieve MARC-XML within JSON return value. _ """ try: metadata = get_bulk_metadata(ids, marc) if sleep_time: sleep(sleep_time) return metadata except ValueError as err: logging.error(err) return dict()
[docs]def get_metadata(ids, output_file=None): """ Retrieves metadata for a folder of folders, where each subfolder is named for a HathiTrust ID. This structure is the default structure extracted from a Data API request (:method htrc.volumes.get_volumes:). """ ids = [str.strip(id).replace('+', ':').replace('=', '/') for id in ids] # data cleanup metadata = dict() for segment in split_items(ids, 50): items = safe_bulk_metadata(segment) metadata.update(items) if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(metadata, outfile) return metadata
[docs]def record_metadata(id, sleep_time=1): """ Retrieve metadata for a HathiTrust Record. """ regex = re.compile('\W') url = "{0}.json" url = url.format(id) r = requests.get(url) data = r.json() # data = data['items'][id] items = [] if data: for item in data['items']: enum = regex.sub('', str(item.get('enumcron', '')).lower()) htid = item.get('htid', '') items.append((enum, htid)) else: items = [] sleep(sleep_time) return items
[docs]def volume_solr_metadata(id, sleep_time=0.1): """ Retrieve metadata from HTRC Solr API. The HTRC Solr instance is used only for certain extracted features unavailable in the main HathiTrust Bibliographic API. If you are a recipient of a HTRC Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS) grant, then you may have to use this function. """ solr = "" % id solr += "&wt=json" # retrieve JSON results if sleep_time: sleep(sleep_time) # JUST TO MAKE SURE WE ARE THROTTLED try: reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') data = json.load(reader(urlopen(solr))) return data['response']['docs'][0] except (ValueError, IndexError, HTTPError): logging.error("No result found for " + id) return dict()